- be dead to shame
- be lost to shame
- be past shame
- be quite without shame
- have no shame
- 恬不知耻: be devoid of any sense of sh ...
- 厚颜无耻: have no shame; be lost to sh ...
- 厚颜无耻: have no shame; be lost [dead] to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; brass-visaged; brazen (as) bold as brass; brazen-faced; have a nerve; have the front [gall; hide] to do sth.; impudent; shameless (beyond description); too impudent and shameless
- 厚颜无耻的: as bold as brass; boldfaced; braze lt gt; unverschmt
- 恬不知耻: be devoid of any sense of shame; be lost to (all sense of ) shame; be past all sense [feelings] of shame; have no sense of shame [honor] at all; blush like a black [blue] dog; devoid of all sense of shame; without any sense of shame; nothing can abash him [her].; shameless; unscrupulously; not feel ashamed; callous to shame; dead to shame
关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻,即可在微信中查询翻译